Should I Repair or Replace Damaged Commercial Concrete Flooring?

Commercial Concrete Flooring repair replacement-best contractor FLShould you repair or replace your damaged concrete flooring? Concrete is one of the most common flooring options among commercial businesses due to its extreme durability and advantages for the firm. Even though concrete is durable, it can summer from damage over time due to wear & tear and lack of maintenance.

When the damage is significant, there’s a higher risk of workers suffering from injuries in the workplace. Once you begin to notice damage, it’s important that you take action. You may ask yourself whether replacing the flooring altogether is a better option or replacing it would be the right choice. It’s vital to notice signs that help you make an informed decision.

Signs that it is Time for Commercial Concrete Flooring Replacement

The first step is for your business to determine whether the commercial concrete floor needs replacement. Here are some signs that can help you figure out if you should go for an overall revamp for your commercial business flooring:

·       Crevices Covering the Floor

If your commercial property has cracks all over the floor, it’s time to replace the flooring altogether. Small cracks are common, but when they’re large, they can be extremely dangerous for employees. These cracks can open at any time, causing significant damage to the infrastructure and potential injuries to employees.

·       Large Areas Peeling

When a large proportion of your flooring is starting to peel, it can be a sign of wear and tear. You can repair the small spots, but if large chunks of the flooring are starting to come out, a wiser decision would be to replace the flooring after an inspection by professionals.

Signs that it is Time to Repair your Concrete Flooring

If you begin to notice small cracks and crevices along the floor, it means that you can easily resolve the issue with minor repairs and refilling. Most repair companies also add a concrete floor sealer to protect their investment and get a better return.

Minor cracks are also a sign of a bigger issue. Therefore, it is vital to hire a reliable inspection team to provide a better diagnosis of your flooring. It is also important to determine whether the cracks are in a single place or throughout the premises.

If they’re only limited to a small area, repairing the floor is a suitable solution. This is especially when the number of cracks is not concerning.

 How Much Time is needed to replace Commercial Concrete Floors?

If your business needs a flooring replacement, you may be curious as to how long it will take to do that. The actual timeline of the job may vary according to the severity of the case and job site. If the area that needs replacement is small, you can expect to complete the job within a week. (Usually two to six days).

Commercial Concrete Flooring repair or replace-best contractor FL

For larger projects and replacements, it will take more time. In some cases, it may take over a week for contractors to install new flooring.

Repair or Replace Your Damaged Concrete Flooring? Final Thoughts

It is vital to maintain your commercial flooring so that business operations don’t take a hit. Identifying signs of weak flooring can help you make a decision. If your commercial space needs floor repairs or replacement, Whitman’s Asphalt Maintenance & Repair, Inc can assist you in expert and speedy repair or replacement. Call us at 727-449-9204 for a free consultation today.

Whitmans Asphalt Maintenance & Repair
Randy Whitman

17133 Powell Road
Brooksville, FL 34604

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